The Pizza Story…

I have heard about “law of attraction” many a times and how it works so strongly but I didn’t realize it until one day I felt humungously hungry and then there it was, my phone popped up with a notification from La Pino's.

Animesh Dwivedi
4 min readJul 17, 2021

Bingo! I was left baffled that whether it was the force of law of attraction or what but I couldn’t have agreed on to it so easily and the series of things happening simultaneously made me take it seriously. My phone suddenly rang and a friend of mine invited me for an outing and very casually she went on like there is this new outlet opened of La-Pino’z. Now that was definitely some force.

I picked up my beloved travel partner i.e Honda Activa with a full adrenaline rush and reached La Pino’z.

I was super excited to catch up with my friend after so long and try on what I was now badly craving. But my excitement took a backseat soon when I found out that there was no parking space. I mean why does it happen ?? it's like my demons and angels are in a constant fight to gift me my luck…and definitely, my luck was off today. I mean guys imagine the scorching sun hovering over your head in the month of peak summer, mixed with hunger even god will be pissed off. Anyway, It took me some time to find a spot and I parked my vehicle in front of the shop and finally to my respite I entered inside.

And oh my god, it felt like heaven when the soothing breeze coming from AC touched my exhausted heated body, and to add a cherry on the cake the ambiance and the smiling staff made us feel better. I almost forgot my temperament which was at its peak a few minutes ago. I greeted my friend, we exchanged pleasentaries and got the menu card with so many options in hand, my perplexed mind finally shortlisted few favorites.

We placed the order, imagining how the stuff would actually taste like compared to the photos, and was about to pay for the same and I realized I had left my wallet in my Activa’s trunk. For a minute I was blank as I didn’t want to face the heat yet so soon after feeling the cold breeze. But thankfully we live in an era where all we need is a smartphone 😍. Demonetisation, no wonder did some exemplary things, and to top, the list for me was that it acquainted almost every shop with digital payment options. So I did the payment using UPI. Special thanks to the digital God!

Now came the toughest part of the whole charade which was to wait for the order. Oh dear lord!! bless my hungry stomach with patience!! Anyways, created a diversion for my mind and I tried to use this interstitial space to look around creative décor, the ideology behind the placings of show pieces, etc and I must say that was some great work of art and imagination.

Finally the wait was over and we received our much awaited order and I can not put into the words how hungry and excited I felt at that moment, it was the adrenaline rush again with the first bite I had “mmmmmm…..yumm”. I would say it was totally worthy of the wait!

Food has this magic that it can change and lit up your mood with just one bite.

Food is life, food is love. Felt satiated. 😍

